"All things are difficult, before they are easy."

Science and technology

Cell phones
  • How many phone calls do you usually receive and make in one day?
  • How many people in your family have a cell phone?
  • How much do you spend a month on your cell phone?
  • Who pays for your cell phone?
  • Have your parents ever been angry with you because of your phone use?
  • Who is the youngest person you know who has a cell phone?
  • What age you think children should be allowed to have a mobile phone?
  • On average how many hours do you use your mobile phone weekly?
  • How long have you had a cell phone?
  • Have you ever lost your phone?
  • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of cell phones?
  • Could you live without your mobile phone?
  • Why would you decided not to have a cell phone?
  • Does it ever bother you when people use their cell phones?
  • Is it illegal to speak on your cell phone while you are driving a car?
  • Have you ever driven using your mobile phone?
Imagine it´s the year 2100. We all can have these "brain implants". 
How is the world?
What advantages and threats does it bring?