"All things are difficult, before they are easy."
Fingerprints Drinkable Kill Arsonist Theft Murder Grab
Burglar Smuggle Selfish Robber
Arsonist, someone ho deliberately starts fires, especially in buildings
Burglar someone who enters a building illegally in order to steal things
Fingerprints a mark that you leave on something when you touch it, showing the pattern of lines on the skin of your fingers
Grab to take hold of something in a rough or rude way
Kill to make a person or other living thing die
Murder the crime of killing someone deliberately
Robber someone who takes money or property illegally, often by using threats or violence
Selfish thinking only about yourself and not caring about other people
Smuggle to take someone or something secretly and illegally into or out of a country, especially as a way of earning money
Theft the crime of stealing. Someone who commits this crime is called a thief